School Wide Title I Parent Involvement Policy

The faculty, staff, and administrators of Success R-6 School recognize the importance of a committed partnership with parents in order to help students acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the Show-Me Standards and Grade-Level Expectations. Our school, along with a collaborative partnership with parents, is committed to pursuing the following goals in ways that recognize and respect the diversity and differing needs of families.

  •   Involve parents as partners in the development and implementation of Schoolwide Title I instructional programs.
  •   Establish effective two-way communication with parents.
  •   Develop strategies and programs that enable parents to actively participate in their child’s education.
  •   Provide support and coordination for school staff and parents to implement and sustain appropriate parent involvement at all grade levels.
  • Utilize community resources to enrich the educational environment and promote family and student success.
  • Support parents in their role as the child’s first and most important teacher.

The overall goal of Success R-6 District’s School Wide Title I Program is to promote partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children.

Title 1 Parent Involvement Plan

The District has a Title 1 Parent Advisory Council comprised of dedicated parents, community members, and school employees who are committed to building strong partnerships between homes, school, and community. The following Title 1 Parent Involvement Plan will be reviewed annually and revised as appropriate to include the following.

The District will:

1) Convene an annual meeting at the beginning of the year to explain School Wide Title I program requirements, and explain parent’s right to be involved.
2) Provide School Wide Title I program information during Open House.
3) Provide parents with a letter explaining the School Wide Title I program.
4) Develop and revise annually a School-Parent-Student compact. The compact will outline how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improving student achievement.
5) Provide parents with surveys so they can evaluate the content and effectiveness of the Title 1 program.
6) Inform parents of their child’s progress. Communication with parents will include conferences upon request, report cards, newsletters, and phone calls. Special notices and reinforcement activities will be sent home when appropriate. Parents are encouraged to call their child’s teachers and visit the classroom.
7) Provide parents with specific instructional strategies for assistance at home when needed.

The District shall coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies with other Title 1 programs. It shall also expand opportunities for parental involvement:

1) Provide assistance to participating parents with understanding the Show-Me Standards, Map Testing, Stanford, and other assessments during parent-teacher conferences.
2) Provide parents with information about the assessments used to measure student progress and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
3) Provide parents with assistance on understanding how to monitor their child’s progress.
4) Provide assistance to parents on how to work with teachers to improve the performance of their child.
5) Provide parents the training and materials necessary to improve their child’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate.
6) Educate, with parental assistance, all school personnel in valuing parent contributions, communicating and working with parents as equal partners, implementing and coordinating parent programs, and building ties between home and school.
7) To the extent appropriate and feasible, provide a parent resource center along with opportunities for parents to learn about child development and child rearing issues.

The District shall also implement the following provisions set forth by the No Child Left Behind legislation:

1) Parental Choice – Parents may remove their children from schools that are “persistently dangerous” based on a pattern of incidents of violence or where a student has been the victim of a violent crime.
2) Public School Choice – Parents may choose to remove their children from low performing schools. Transportation must be provided by the district to eligible students in accordance with Title I law.
3) Supplemental Educational Services – Parents who have children in low performing schools may request before school or after school tutoring services or other academic assistance and remediation. The services are provided to eligible students in accordance with Title I law.
4) Highly Qualified Teachers – Parents have a right to ask the school administration if a teacher possesses proper certification to teach the grade and content area he or she has been assigned. Parents have the right to be notified if their child is taught for more than four consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified.